Category: Insurance Alternatives

  • Health Insurance Alternatives to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

    Health Insurance Alternatives to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, has provided millions with access to healthcare coverage through the ACA Marketplace. However, there are individuals who either choose not to use ACA Health Insurance, don’t qualify for subsidies, or find it difficult to afford. If you fall into either of these categories, read on as we explore…

  • Cash For Healthcare and Options For The Underinsured and Uninsured

    Cash For Healthcare and Options For The Underinsured and Uninsured

    Are you paying cash for healthcare? What if you can’t afford health insurance and your income is over the threshold to get financial assistance or charity care? Perhaps you don’t qualify for government-sponsored health plans (like Medicaid) or ACA subsidies (Obamacare tax credits). Or maybe you are underinsured because you have a ridiculously high deductible.…

  • What is Supplemental Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

    What is Supplemental Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

    Are you worried about the high deductible and out-of-pocket expenses left behind by your health insurance plan? After all, you are functionally uninsured until you meet your deductible. Or perhaps, you have been unable to obtain affordable, comprehensive health insurance from the private commercial market or the ACA Marketplace. If any of these scenarios fit,…